Evangelism, Compassion, &
Social Justice

Available as a program major or minor. Full course descriptions can be found in our catalogue.

Is this program for me?

Do you have a heart for reaching those in desperate situations like human trafficking victims, prostitutes, drug addicts, prisoners, and the poor and needy? If you are burdened to make a difference in this world as a servant and a witness, this may be the ideal program for you.

Practical Ministry Experience

  • Gain a biblical understanding of the relationships between compassion, evangelism, and social justice issues and why all three must be present to give a complete representation of the gospel.
  • Learn how effective outreach and ministry can serve the physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual needs of individuals.
  • Be prepared to do evangelistic and compassionate outreach work for every age, from children to seniors, in a variety of environments with weekly trips to such places as street missions, transition houses, shelters, soup kitchens, prisons, drug rehabs, and at-risk youth programs.
  • Use your gifts in such areas as dance, music, drama, sports, and tech each week in ministry opportunities.
  • In addition to weekly and monthly service opportunities, you will head to New York City for a ten-day ministry trip, embark on a ten-day cross-cultural trip to a foreign country, and mentor and lead fellow students on ministry trips.
  • Cap your learning journey with a four-month internship in your final year, under the supervision of an experienced leader in a social justice or compassion ministry in an urban or cross-cultural setting.

Core Courses

  • Foundations of Social Justice
  • History of Civil Rights & Social Justice
  • Introduction to Compassion Ministry
  • Urban Ministry/Community Development
  • Oral Communication
  • Personal Evangelism
  • Worldview
  • Regional Praxis; Urban Praxis; Cross-cultural Praxis

What matters most to you matters to us.

Our Kingswood Enrolment Counsellors want to hear how God is leading you and what you are most passionate about as you consider a life of purpose. They’ll answer your questions, help you determine your options, and pray with you about next steps. No pressure, no commitment – just a conversation with someone who understands that preparing for what matters most really matters.

Speak to an enrolment counsellor.