What is Marketplace ministry?

Not everyone who is called to ministry is called to serve in the church. The concept of marketplace ministry relates to the mindset of seeing the places we live and work as our ministry and mission field. This could be in a school, a business, a trade; the list could go on and on. Marketplace ministry strengthens the concept of daily living and serving as followers of Christ in all environments. 

Why marketplace ministry?

Kingswood University’s program in Marketplace Ministry builds on this philosophy, equipping students to serve God and minister through their career or vocation. Students are awarded about 30 credit hours of Kingswood credit for a certificate or diploma from a recognized institution, career, or community college. Usually, students complete this component first and then transfer to Kingswood, onsite or online, to complete the remaining approximately 90 credit hours of ministerial preparation to earn the B.A. Ministry degree. 

Through ministry, Bible, and theology courses, culminating in a Supervised Ministry Experience, students learn how to translate their vocation into ministry. The goal is to equip the carpenter or hairdresser, for example, to minister to his or her clients while serving them. 

Upon completion of the degree, students will possess the knowledge, skills, and values to be employed in a specific vocation as well as understanding and having experience in using their vocation as a ministry. Graduates of this degree will be qualified to serve in the marketplace in North America at the same time as supporting and being actively involved in the ministries of a local church. Some graduates will take their vocation and minister overseas, using their dual training to minister effectively across the world.


If you would like to learn more about Marketplace Ministry and how Kingswood University can best partner with you, contact us today to speak with an enrolment counsellor!