2023-2024 MAPT Program Tuition
24 – 36 credit hours at $395/hr | $14,400 |
Graduation Fee | $170 |
Total | $14,570 |
After initial acceptance, a one-time $100 tuition deposit must be submitted before a student can register for class. Upon enrolment, this fee will be applied to their student account.
Note: These fees are in Canadian dollars and do not include textbooks.
Kingswood MAPT Student Grant
($65 per credit hour) This grant is available to all Kingswood University Alumni enrolled in the graduate degree program, as well as pastors who have been employed by a church prior to enrolment into the graduate program.
Wesleyan Loan Grant
Wesleyan ministerial students and Wesleyan pastors may qualify for the Wesleyan Loan-Grant of $100/hr. For information on the Wesleyan Loan-Grant click here.
To receive a detailed price quote and to confirm your eligibility for MAPT Financial Aid, please contact our Enrolment Team.