Rev. Dr. Stephen Elliott understands what it means to plant and pastor a dynamic church. In 1983, he and his wife Helen began a church plant in Ottawa, Ontario. Over a 22-year period, he led the beginning handful of people to grow to a congregation of over 1,300.

After over 15 years of teaching, Dr. Elliott still uses insights gleaned from his ministry experiences, academic studies, and the professors during his studies at Kingswood and Asbury Seminary, such as. “Pastor a community, not just a congregation” is one such insight that Dr. Elliott says significantly and successfully shaped his church planting efforts as a young pastor.

“The opportunity to pass along ministry insights to a new generation of up-and-coming Christian leaders is a responsibility I love and take very seriously in and out of the Kingswood classroom,” says Dr. Elliott.

Dr. Elliott is a father of three and grandfather of six and has been married to his highschool sweetheart Helen since 1975. He is a big fan of science fiction, the Ottawa Senators, and the colour lime green.


2007 – D.Min. (Leadership and Preaching), Asbury Theological Seminary, Wilmore, Kentucky
Dissertation Title: “The Role of the Miraculous in the Conversion Process”
1983 – B.A. (Religion), Kingswood University, Sussex, New Brunswick

Courses Taught

  • Church Health, Growth & Leadership
  • Empowering & Equipping Lay Ministry
  • Homiletics
  • Pastoral Ministry
  • Principles and Practices of Discipleship


  • Next Level Church: Leading a congregation to a new stage of ministry health. Wesleyan Publishing House, 2021.
  • By Signs and Wonders: How the Holy Spirit Grows the Church. Seedbed Publishing, 2016.
  • The Rubrics of a Healthy Church: 15 traits of God-honouring, thriving churches. ChurchSmart Resources, 2023.
  • The Principles and Practices of Discipleship:  7 + 1 environments of discipleship. ChurchSmart Resources, 2023.