As a high schooler, Professor Shaun Miller went on several missions trips to New York City and Guatemala, developing a passion for ministry and learning the importance of meeting people in a variety of settings outside the church building. It was this passion for ministry that prompted him to attend Kingswood University and study Evangelism & Compassion Ministry, which prepared him to lead effective ministry trips and instill in others the same passion for ministry that was passed along to him.
Professor Miller’s hope for his students is that they would not only gain an expansive ministry toolbox but also learn how to use each of the tools by applying them on Praxis ministry trips.

After graduating from Kingswood with his Bachelor of Arts in 2020, Professor Miller married fellow Kingswood graduate Morgan. The two of them stayed at Kingswood for two years while Professor Miller served as an enrolment counselor. During this time, he also furthered his education, earning a Master of Arts in Pastoral Theology from Kingswood.

When he isn’t working, Professor Miller enjoys trying new specialty coffees, writing and playing music, and reading both fictional and academic works.


2022 – M.A. (Pastoral Theology), Kingswood University, Sussex, NB
2020 – B.A. (Evangelism, Compassion Ministry & Social Justice), Kingswood University, Sussex, NB

Courses Taught

  • Introduction to Compassion Ministry
  • Foundations of Social Justice
  • Cross Cultural Praxis
  • Regional Praxis I & II
  • Urban Praxis