People talk about defining moments.  Educators celebrate “a-ha” moments with their students. In 1984, Pam sat in a morning, Christian education class at Bethany Bible College and experienced a quiet, but enduring call to ministry in what she has come to refer to as “kingdom education.”  With clarity, she remembers the integration of heart and mind in that moment as she committed herself to education that gives pre-eminence to Christ and invests in students temporally and for eternity.

Immediately following graduation from Bethany Bible College, Pam began teaching and has not stopped since.  (Although, she did take the occasional summer off.)  Her experience has taken her on an educational journey from teaching grade 1 to university.  Her most recent claim to fame is having survived twenty plus years of teaching middle school at Sussex Christian School where she continues to serve as Academic Vice Principal.  In this role, she collaborates every day with practicing teachers, parents, and precious, real live students.

This is Pam’s second time to serve as Kingswood’s Program Director for Christian School Education having held this position from 1987-2000.  She believes she has the dream job as she blends the joy of mentoring prospective teachers for Christian classrooms while continuing personally as a practitioner.

In her spare time, Pam enjoys living life with her husband, Dennis on their little piece of paradise – a dairy and beef farm. Adding to this joy are the three sons that God has blessed them with.

Courses Taught

  • Theory and Practice in Classroom Management
  • Children’s Literature
  • Foundations of Education & Teaching
  • Curriculum & Pedagogy: Literacy Education
  • Student Teaching Experience


1984 – B.A. (Christian School Education) – Bethany Bible College, Sussex, NB
1987 – M.Sc. in Elementary Education – Pensacola Christian College, Brent, FL
1998 – M.Ed. – University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, NB