Pastor Jolicoeur was called into full-time ministry as a teenager, and this call took various forms for him over the decades as he travelled with worship and ministry teams as well as being an involved layperson in his local Church context. He then accepted a position at Moncton Wesleyan Church as Worship and Creative Arts Pastor, combining his giftings in the areas of music and leadership.

Pastor Jolicoeur is passionate about how worship ministry operates in the life of the local church and about how people are formed by learning in an academic setting. These two areas of passion intertwine in his role at Kingswood as he helps build up Spirit-filled lovers of worship who are able to lead other people in worship.

Pastor Jolicoeur’s continued role as a practitioner in worship arts in a local church setting provides him with a particular vantage point to share some real-world applications for those studying Worship Arts and seeking to apply what they are learning to ministry. 

When he isn’t working, Pastor Jolicoeur enjoys reading and writing, and when it comes to fiction, he prefers the kind with spaceships in it.  He also loves to spend time outdoors, usually (though not always) at a jogging pace.


2021 – M.A. (Pastoral Theology), Kingswood University, Sussex, NB
2012 – B.A. (English), University of London / Goldsmiths College, London, England