Strength in Community


Kingswood University has entered into formal agreements with several institutions, allowing for smooth transfer of credit to and from these institutions. Transfer credit is always guided by the policies of the receiving institution. 

We currently have agreements in place with three denominations allowing for a completed B.A. (Ministry) degree at Kingswood University to meet the academic requirements for ministry preparation and ordination within their denomination. See below for details about the Advent Christian Church, Church of the Nazarene, and Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada.

Wesleyan Institutions

Students can transfer credit between the five Wesleyan educational institutions. In addition to this general transfer of credit, the following agreements are in place:

Houghton College (Houghton, NY) – graduates of Kingswood’s A.A. degrees will have satisfied the core requirements for Houghton College’s bachelor’s degrees (main campus);

Indiana Wesleyan University (Marion, IN) – graduates of Kingswood’s A.A. (General Education) will have satisfied the general education requirements for IWU-Marion bachelor’s degrees, except for the Intercultural Experience, a lab science and a fine arts credit;

Oklahoma Wesleyan University (Bartlesville, OK) – graduates of Kingswood’s A.A. (General Education) will have satisfied the general education requirements for Oklahoma Wesleyan’s bachelor’s degrees;

Southern Wesleyan University (Central, SC) – graduates of Kingswood’s A.A. (General Education) can transfer up to 53 hours of credit towards Southern Wesleyan’s core curriculum.

Other Post-Secondary Institutions

Transfer to Kingswood

Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE) – Because of accreditation by ABHE’s Commission on Accreditation, students can transfer credit from other ABHE schools across North America. See for member institutions.

Berkshire Institute for Christian Studies (MA) – Students who have earned the Certificate in Biblical Studies will be awarded at least one year of credit towards a bachelor’s degree at Kingswood.

Crandall University (NB) – Kingswood and Crandall allow for transfer of credit transferred in both directions.

Elim Bible Institute & College (NY) – Students who have completed Elim’s two-year A.A.S. degree can transfer all 62 hours into Kingswood’s B.A. (Ministry) degree and complete the B.A. degree in an additional two years. Students completing the one-year Launch Certificate at Elim can transfer all 33 hours to a bachelor’s degree at Kingswood and will complete a degree in an additional three years. Additional hours from the Applied Ministry Certificate at Elim may also transfer, depending on the certificate completed and the degree desired.

Youth With A Mission (YWAM) – Kingswood will award transfer credit to students who have completed Discipleship Training School (DTS) and other courses taken through YWAM’s University of the Nations. 

Transfer from Kingswood

Acadia Divinity College (NS) – Kingswood graduates may be awarded up to 24 hours of advanced standing with credit towards the M.Div. degree. Acadia has a standing policy which makes it possible for those who hold an undergraduate degree in theological education (such as Kingswood’s bachelor’s degrees) to complete an M.A. degree in as little as one year.

Asbury Theological Seminary (KY, FL) – Kingswood graduates may be awarded up to 18 hours of advanced standing with credit.

Association for Biblical Higher Education (ABHE) – Because of accreditation by ABHE’s Commission on Accreditation, students can transfer credit to other ABHE schools across North America. See for member institutions.

Crandall University (NB) – Kingswood and Crandall allow for transfer of credit transferred in both directions. Specifically, graduates of Kingswood’s B.A. (Christian School Education) degree may complete the B.Ed. degree in three or four semesters and thus be eligible for teacher certification in New Brunswick.

Cairn University (PA) – Graduates of Kingswood’s B.A. (Christian School Education) may be awarded up to 6 hours of advanced standing in the M.S. (Education) degree.

Prairie College (MB) – This agreement provides an option for students to begin the A.A. (Mission Aviation) offered through Prairie College by entering the A.A. (General Education) degree at Kingswood and taking the courses identified for transfer. Students transfer to Prairie College after one year at Kingswood to complete the aviation requirements in about 18 months.

University of Maine at Presque Isle (ME) – Graduates of Kingswood’s B.A. (Christian School Education) degree may complete the Teacher Education program in three semesters and thus be eligible for teacher certification in Maine.

Wesley Seminary at Indiana Wesleyan University (IN) – Kingswood graduates may be awarded up to 19 hours of advanced standing with credit towards graduate degrees. Senior undergraduate students at Kingswood may also take courses from Wesley Seminary for dual enrolment in undergraduate and graduate degrees.

Denominational Agreements

Kingswood’s B.A. (Ministry) degrees can be tailored to meet the requirements for ministerial credentialling in three denominations in addition to The Wesleyan Church.

​Advent Christian Church – Students from the Advent Christian Church enrolled in B.A. (Ministry) degrees at Kingswood University will meet all the academic requirements for ministerial preparation and credentialing in the Advent Christian Church. Students who have earned the Certificate in Biblical Studies from Berkshire Institute for Christian Studies will be awarded at least one year of credit towards this degree. Additional credits may transfer, depending on the choice of degree and major at Kingswood.

Church of the Nazarene – Students from The Church of the Nazarene enrolled in B.A. (Ministry) degrees at Kingswood University will meet all of the academic requirements for ministerial preparation and ordination in the Canada Atlantic District of The Church of the Nazarene.

Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC) – A three-way agreement between Kingswood University, the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (Maritime District), and Master’s College and Seminary (ON), positions Kingswood to serve as an approved institution for ministerial preparation for the PAOC denomination. Students can complete all requirements for ordination in the PAOC denomination at Kingswood, with several POAC-specific courses being completed online through Master’s College and Seminary.

Be still and know that I am God