Kingswood University Outcomes


Kingswood University exists to serve Jesus Christ by strengthening the local and global church through forming Christ-like servant leaders in a community that creatively blends academic excellence and practical ministry experience with intentional spiritual formation.


In the accomplishment of the Mission of the University, the specific goal of Kingswood University is to enrich the knowledge, skills and Christ-like disposition of ministers of all types – pastors, missionaries, children’s and youth pastors, church planters, worship leaders, teachers for Christian schools, general Christian service workers, and committed lay people who will strengthen the local and global church. This is to be achieved by guiding student development in:
  • an appreciation for their role in the church universal (through space and time);
  • an understanding and experience of what it means to be a well-rounded wholesome Christian, physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, and spiritually;
  • a formation of a biblical worldview, incorporating a biblical sense of values, an understanding of God’s plan for their lives, and their privileges and responsibilities in contemporary life;
  • an understanding of the way academic excellence and practical ministry experience are inseparably intertwined with intentional spiritual formation.


Kingswood graduates will:
  • demonstrate a greater knowledge of the Bible and the central doctrines of the Christian faith;
  • articulate a developing conception of life, culture, and the world from a biblical perspective;
  • apply research and critical thinking skills for independent research and effective communication of truth;
  • develop as Christ life servant leaders, exhibiting ongoing development in all areas of life;
  • reflect on ministry experiences in church and parachurch settings.



Retention relates to the number of students who continue as students from one term, semester, or year to the next
UNDERGRADUATE                              GRADUATE
New Students Year-to-Year New Students Year-to-Year
1st to 2nd Year 2nd to 3rd Year* 3rd to 4th Year
2019-2020 37 78% 82% 94% 16 81%
2020-2021 29 72% 79% 93% 6 100%
2021-2022 36 67% 100% 83% 8 75%
2022-2023 27 59% 100% 7 71%
2023-2024 34 74% 6 100%
* Does not include those who completed a 2-year program and did not return


Completion rates measure the number of students who completed their program within 1½ times the allotted timeframe; for example, those who completed a four-year bachelor’s degree in six years or less.
  Completion Rate Class Size Completion Rate Class Size
2016-2017 73% 45 100% 9
2017-2018 70% 33 75% 8
2018-2019 58% 45 100% 8
2019-2020 65% (anticipated) 37 81% 16
2020-2021 55% (anticipated) 29 100% 6
2021-2022  58% (anticipated) 37 75% 8
2022-2023 27 71% (anticipated) 7


Placement rates below indicate how many graduates of undergraduate programs are serving in a related field and/or pursuing further education in a related field six months after graduation.
2017 33% 53% 40
2018 22% 64% 45
2019 36% 47% 36
2020 30% 52% 46
2021 18% 64% 39
2022 18% 73% 22
2023 25% 60% 20
2024 24% 57% 21


In addition to measurements discussed above and in linked documents, the following tools are used to help assess fulfilment of our mission and objectives:
Student Course Evaluations Help inform professors about course content, delivery of the content, and faculty-student interaction Every semester/term
Student Interviews Individual interviews with the President allowing for reflection First semester & last semester
Graduate Placement Data collection about placement of graduates six months following graduation Every fall
Alumni Surveys Data collection from alumni three-year and ten-years after graduation Every summer