Magnify: a virus-free devotional

Magnify: a virus-free devotional

” O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together.” -Psalm 34:3 ” My soul magnifies the Lord…” -Mary, Luke 1:46 If you ever had a magnifying glass as a kid, you know this truth: whatever we magnify seems to get closer and...

March 18 COVID-19 Update

In the face of the increasing threat posed by the coronavirus, Kingswood University has moved all classes to a distance education format and suspended all student on-campus activities

No Mountain

No Mountain

We pulled into Miobambas after a rather adventurous ride along the mountain roads of the Peruvian Andes. At 11,000 ft this village was the highest altitude we had reached and the air was definitely thin. Arriving at the local pastor’s home we found out that many...

March 14 COVID-19 Update

In order to provide the social distance needed to minimize the spread of this disease, we have decided to discontinue on-campus activities effective immediately.  All classes will resume in a distance education format in a few days. We have asked resident students to...

Kingswood University COVID-19 Response

Kingswood University is working to maintain a safe and healthy environment for its students, staff, and guests and is fully compliant with all provincial and federal recommendations. The Administrative Cabinet will continue to monitor the requirements and advice of...

Living the Reason for the Season

I will never forget the Sunday at church in early December as we approached Christmas. In our gathering the song leader chastised the crowd for not knowing the true reason for Christmas and getting caught up in “Wal-Mart world.” Then, as soon as the service ended,...

Ablaze Newsletter – Fall 2020

Featured Stories • A Word from the President • 40 Years of Excellence: Celebrating Ivan Graham’s Retirement • FLAME into University Credit Hours: A Way Through • Understanding God’s Call and Mission: Eric Hallett Shares His Kingswood Journey • Estate...

Jesus is King

There has been much talk in the last few years of our culture being post-modern and even post-Christian. In response to this secularizing trend, many Christians have backed off of witnessing to their faith in Jesus, hiding behind slogans like: “Preach the...

The Restaurant Battleground

Sometimes God is in the very mundane with intent to do big things. We have formed the habit of enjoying our Sunday-after-the-church-service lunch at a local restaurant. Early in our time at Kingswood we determined we wanted to use the time to connect with the college...

An Unreliable Guide

In challenging times, a trustworthy guide is always welcome. Unfortunately, Yuval Harari is not such a guide.  Although a respected author with impeccable credentials, Dr. Harari ultimately disappoints, overconfidently promising but underdelivering. My problem with...