I’m delighted to announce that Rev. Erik Ireland will be our new Director of Kingswood Extended.  Erik is currently on staff at Christ Wesleyan Church in Milton, Pennsylvania.  He is a graduate from Houghton College and Asbury Theological Seminary and will soon complete his Doctor of Ministry degree at Asbury.   Erik is married to Ashley and they have a seven month old son, Eli.

The response to Kingswood Extended has been greater than we anticipated with pastors and laypersons eager to avail themselves of the ministry education KX makes possible.  This growth has allowed us to upgrade the position of Director from part-time to full-time.  

Given the great demand and potential, we sought for someone with academic training, a big vision for non-traditional ministry preparation, and a heart for the church.  God provided in Erik just the person who meets all these requirements and more.  We are excited for what he will bring to this exciting ministry.

Erik, Ashely and Eli will be moving to Sussex in the near future; please pray for them in this time of transition.

Dr. Stephen Lennox