Kingswood and Prairie College (Three Hills, Alberta) have entered an agreement which will help students from the eastern part of the country earn an A.A. degree in Mission Aviation.

Students will complete the first 8 months of the 24-month program taking Kingswood courses which will provide them with a solid core of Biblical and theological studies as well as the spiritual formation experiences which are integral to all Kingswood programs. Students will then transfer to Alberta for 16 months of flight training. Upon completion of the program, students will have completed the training necessary for a Transport Canada Commercial Pilot License. The emphasis on mission aviation in this program prepares students as missionary pilots around the world and/or to minister through aviation in North America. Graduates from this program serve with multiple mission organizations, flight colleges, and commercial airlines such as WestJet.

Like Kingswood, Prairie College is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of the Association for Biblical Higher Education. An additional Kingswood connection with this program is that the Chief Flight Instructor is a Kingswood alumnus, Richard Marples (1988). For further information about this program visit the Prairie website at