The Wesleyan Church’s National Prayer Tour this summer has come to a close. Read on to hear from Kingswood graduate Luke Maiorino as he reflects on the experience and talks about ways the movement continues. 

“How do you foresee the Prayer Tour initiative creating lasting change?”

Luke: “On the road, Tom and I had the opportunity to connect with a lot of pastors and congregations and see God work in their lives. We hope to keep in contact with them, nurturing friendships and maintaining a lasting network of prayer-focused believers. 

“We have also seen a lot of people hungry for prayer. We’ve seen this movement inspire local churches to be more intentional about praying in community, and we are seeing more churches meeting regularly to pray together.”

“What advice would you give to those who are inspired to pray more?”

Luke: “Pray first thing! Starting your day with prayer is a good way to set your heart posture as one of gratitude and thankfulness. 

“Pray as you go! Create a habit of praying about things as they come up throughout the day.

“Start prayer groups! Surround yourself with people who pray, and start praying with others to create connection and accountability.”

“What recurring theme emerges when you reflect on the ways God moved this summer?”

Luke: “Our biggest takeaway has been the importance of full surrender to the Holy Spirit. At the prayer events throughout the summer, we saw many people fully surrender their lives to the Holy Spirit, experiencing breakthrough and freedom in areas of bondage.

“Tom and I also felt stretched in this area personally. We ended up having a lot of unplanned ministry opportunities and encounters with people, which required a surrendered heart posture and an openness to God’s leading.” 

“How has this experience impacted you personally in your faith?”

Luke: “This journey gave Tom and me the opportunity to see firsthand how powerful prayer is and how important it is to live a life of prayer. I have grown in community and have gone deeper with God because of this summer.”


Luke and Tom are both looking forward to seeing God continue to move throughout all of Canada as people seek Him.

Visit this page to read more about the National Prayer Tour:

Visit the youtube page for the Wesleyan Church of Canada to see the update videos from their journey: