Prayer has always been an important part of campus life at Kingswood University, with students frequently gathering together for prayer initiatives and events. This summer, however, two Kingswood students are setting off on a prayer initiative that stretches beyond campus and across Canada. Fourth year student Tom Mason and recent graduate Luke Maiorino began the Canadian Wesleyan Church’s National Prayer Tour on April 30th in St. John’s Newfoundland. From there, they will travel across Canada visiting churches and communities. Read on to hear Luke and Tom talk about what the prayer tour is, why it started, and how it’s going so far!

“What is the National Prayer Tour?”

From Tom: “The National Prayer Tour is a prayer initiative spanning across the entire country of Canada, calling God’s people to gather in their churches and communities to partner in prayer. Between April 30th and August 12th, over seventy churches will be hosting prayer events in the evenings to focus on intercession and seeking God’s will for their local congregations, their communities, and the church as a whole in Canada.”

“What has been the highlight of your trip so far?”

From Luke: “The highlight that immediately comes to mind is hearing testimonies of what God has done in people’s lives. There have been a lot of stories of sin’s bondage being broken off in the name of Jesus so that people are free to live for Christ! A second highlight is that so far in every congregation there has been a consistent theme of longing for the younger generation to be empowered to live life for God!”

“What is the vision behind this initiative?”

From Tom: “The vision behind this initiative is to collectively seek God’s will for Canada and to cover communities, churches, and the country as a whole in prayer. We are praying that out of this movement church planting opportunities will arise and that God will provide workers of the harvest– people to step into church leadership and lead the people of God in this country forward on mission. We are also praying that people would be empowered to be on mission for the gospel in whatever workplace or situation they are in. The heart of the vision behind this initiative is inspired by the words of Jesus in Matthew 9:37, ‘the harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.’” 

“What are you most looking forward to about this ministry opportunity?”

From Luke: “What I’m most looking forward to about this ministry opportunity is seeing the work that God is doing in the hearts of the people all across the country! I have the opportunity to hear stories of how God is working through the gifts and talents that He has blessed people with. I also look forward to the growth that Tom and I will experience during this tour in our own prayer lives!”

Luke and Tom are both looking forward to seeing God move throughout all of Canada as people seek Him. Join in this initiative by going to events near you or simply by praying right where you are and joining the movement.

Visit this page to read more about the National Prayer Tour:

Visit the youtube page for the Wesleyan Church of Canada to follow along with their journey: