Mission & Statement of Faith


Kingswood University exists to serve Jesus Christ by strengthening the local and global church through forming Christ-like servant leaders in a community that creatively blends academic excellence and practical ministry experience with intentional spiritual formation.

Core Values

We are committed to . . .

  • upholding the authority and inspiration of the Bible
  • proclaiming the whole Gospel for the whole person throughout the whole world
  • encouraging each person to become a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ
  • providing a theological context that respects and serves the broader Church
  • operating from a Wesleyan/Arminian theological perspective
  • supporting the doctrine and lifestyle expectations of The Wesleyan Church

Statement of Faith

Owned and operated by The Wesleyan Church, Kingswood University affirms the Articles of Religion as found in The Discipline of The Wesleyan Church, which includes the following summary of doctrinal beliefs:

  1. We believe in God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
  2. We believe that Jesus Christ the Son suffered in our place on the Cross, that He died but rose again, and that He now sits at the Father’s right hand until He returns to judge all humanity at the last day.
  3. We believe in the Holy Scriptures as the inspired and inerrant Word of God. We believe that by the grace of God every person has the ability and responsibility to choose between right and wrong, and that those who repent of their sin and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ are justified by faith.
  4. We believe that God not only counts the believer as righteous, but that He makes such persons righteous, freeing them of sin’s dominion at conversion, purifying their hearts by faith and perfecting them in love at entire sanctification, and providing for their growth in grace at every stage of their spiritual life, enabling them through the presence and power of the Holy Spirit to live victorious lives.