Kingswood University recently signed an agreement with the Canada Atlantic District of the Church of the Nazarene.  The agreement allows Nazarene students who are enrolled in Kingswood’s Bachelor of Arts in Ministry degrees to meet all academic requirements for ministerial preparation and ordination in the Canada Atlantic District of the Church of the Nazarene.  Having an approved option within Atlantic Canada means that students from Atlantic Canada can study in this area and remain here to minister.

Speaking about the agreement, Kingswood President Dr. Stephen Lennox observed, “some things just make sense.”  He notes that Nazarenes and Wesleyans are close theological cousins, both denominations tracing their roots through the North American Holiness movement and back to Methodist founder, John Wesley.  As well, both Kingswood and the Canada Atlantic district share a common commitment to prepare people for 21st century ministry.

The agreement also allows the Church of the Nazarene to take an active role in shaping Kingswood’s future by providing a seat on the schools’ Board of Trustees.

The details of the agreement were drafted by Dr. Janet Starks, Kingswood’s Vice President for Academic Affairs and Rev. Mark Collins, Superintendent of the Canada Atlantic District (pictured here). According to Starks, “Kingswood’s mission is to serve the church; agreements like this allow us to serve the larger evangelical church as well as continuing to serve The Wesleyan Church.”

This story is also featured in Wesleyan Life