Attending University can be a time of both apprehension and excitement.  When you leave home as a young adult you are embarking on the adventure with others who are experiencing the same things you are.  As an adult, it is a completely different experience.  After raising three children to school age, being married for eleven years, and owning our own home, God called me into ministry and then to Kingswood.  After much praying and deliberation, it was decided that my husband would stay in Ontario, and the children and I would go to New Brunswick so I could fulfil my calling.

     On our first trip to move things we arrived at 10 pm and were entering the building at the same time as our new neighbours.  They were just getting home from work but stopped to help us unload the truck.  This was our first experience of the community offered to our family.

     The adjustment was difficult for our oldest child and when parental influence could not do the trick another student offered to spend time with her.  Within a few weeks, she had a place to talk and figure things out, and I had peace knowing the community we were in was right for our family.

     During our second year, I asked my youngest if he wanted to have a birthday party, an offer which he excitedly accepted.  I sat down and asked him who he wanted to invite, fully prepared for a room full of six-year-olds.  As the list was written down I quickly realized my son was going to be the only one who was six.  He was elated that twelve university friends attended his party.  These friends continually showed us community.

     Throughout our three and a half year adventure, we had multiple people come alongside our family, especially our children.  There were semesters I could not pick-up my youngest at school and people offered to help.  There were times I would have students come and ask if my children could “go out and play.”  One of my children’s favorite things about days off from school during the week was being able to attend chapel.  From going to the dining hall for dinner weekly to attending campus events, our family was always welcomed, and our children were always excited to see their “big kid friends.”

     Our adventure looked different than my classmates.  Being successful required careful scheduling and a whole lot of community.  There were times it was extremely difficult and trying but God brought us there when He did to be surrounded by a specific group of people and to learn and grow.  God brought us through as I remained faithful to my calling.  I will be forever grateful for the community that surrounded us throughout our journey.  We are thankful for the adventure God brought us on and we know we would not have grown as individuals, a couple, a family, or as Christians without our Kingswood campus life experience.