It was a summer camp in Grade 7 when Dave Klob (‘97) met his first Kingswood students. As Dave recalls, “They loved Jesus and they loved me. I wanted to love Jesus the way they loved Jesus.” Eventually, Dave made his way to Kingswood where he graduated with a BA in Religion with a Music Ministry major. With a new context and new relationships, it was the perfect place to fall in love with Jesus, moving from knowing Him as Saviour to knowing Him as Lord. This markedly changed the direction of his life and established the groundwork for ministry effectiveness.


After graduation, Dave served for two years in bi-vocational ministry as a part-time youth and music pastor under the mentorship of Rev. Rick Cox. With this healthy ministry beginning as a foundation, Dave and his wife, Bethanie, accepted an invitation to return to KU, this time as staff, launching a new season of accelerated growth in ministry leadership. 


In 2013, God opened the door to a new opportunity as Music Pastor at First Alliance Church of Calgary. Now in his ninth year, Dave clearly sees how God continually provided opportunities to grow and people who encouraged and called out the potential in him to prepare him for what was next. He is now writing and recording music with his team and living out his passion to inspire and encourage people to worship through music and a life lived in obedience to God. 


Dave was never planning to become a music minister; his goal was just to follow Jesus better. If you ask Dave what he is most thankful for, he’ll quickly say, “God’s faithfulness. It’s all Him. Even when I wasn’t pursuing God, He was pursuing me.”


To find Dave’s music online, check out FAC Music and Elevate Kids’ Choir.


Dave & Bethanie (1995) live in Calgary, AB, and have three daughters: Kara, Kylie, and Emily.