Ordination Studies

Our undergraduate and graduate degrees are designed for people pursuing ministry either as a credentialed (lay minister, licensed minister, or an ordained minister) or a lay person. At Kingswood, we work with several denominations to fully prepare ministers for ordination in their churches.

Kingswood’s undergraduate degrees and specializations and graduate degree meet educational requirements for ordination in The Wesleyan Church. The Wesleyan Church also allows for ordination for people who do not have a ministry degree if they prepare for the ministry through certificate-level education.

Certificate-level Courses for Ordination

Our ordination courses are specifically tailored to meet the academic requirements for ordination in the Wesleyan Church.

What can I expect from certificate-level courses from Kingswood?

Kingswood’s certificate-level courses are delivered in several different formats, but they are all designed to be formational, rigorous, and affordable. 

Like all of our Kingswood classes at any level, we pride ourselves on combining practical ministry experience with academic rigor in the context of spiritual formation. You’ll find that your certificate course with Kingswood is holistic.

We understand that you are busy. God’s call deserves that we set aside time to prepare, but at the certificate level, we are able to reduce the expectations for class “seat” time. We plan for each certificate level class to take 75 hours of study, spread out over 8, 13, or 16 weeks, depending on the course format you choose. 

Advanced education is a sacrifice for you and your family in terms of time and resources, so we price our courses well below degree-level courses. Most courses are $245 CAD, and some are even lower at $175 CAD, plus required reading materials.

What course formats are available?

Our certificate-level courses are available in three different formats:

Self-paced Courses

These independent study courses are completed in an online learning environment. Students will plan and execute their own strategy for completion within the course time frame.

More information on the self-paced course format, a list of available courses, and how to register can be found on our Personal Enrichment Courses page.

Virtual Classroom Courses 

Virtual classroom courses provide an in-class experience through the Google Meet platform. Students will meet with an instructor for one two-hour class once a week for six weeks.

More information on the virtual classroom format, a list of available courses, and how to register can be found on our Personal Enrichment Courses page.

Mentored Cohort Courses

Mentored cohort courses are specifically designed for local pastors and ministry leaders to hold courses for a small group of individuals in their church or local area. Courses run on a 13-week schedule and meet every two weeks for a time of intentional mentoring and coaching through the material and its application to the local ministry setting.