Answering the Call into ministry can look different for everyone. For some Christians, the act of serving others might take the form of marketplace ministry, aligning their faith with a secular career path, while for others, a traditional church setting is where they make an impact. If you’ve been called upon to minister, whether vocationally or non-vocationally, and are passionate about making an impact on the lives of those less fortunate, earning an Associate of Arts in Evangelism and Compassion Ministry could be right for you. 

This unique degree program offered at Kingswood University gives students the opportunity to build the skills to serve Jesus in a hands-on manner, within a range of different settings. Through evangelistic and compassionate outreach service in soup kitchens, prisons, rehabilitation centers, street missions, and more, you’ll learn how to share the Christian faith with others, acting as a proponent for social justice through your informed biblical perspective.

With the completion of this two-year online degree program, you’ll be prepared to make a difference in the world, serving the physical, spiritual and emotional needs of people in desperate situations. Discover three benefits of participating in this pragmatic degree program.

Understand the Relationship Between Evangelism, Compassion and Social Justice

One of the most valuable aspects of the Evangelism and Compassion Ministry program is the perspective you gain on the relationship between compassion, evangelism, and social justice issues. While completing your online ministry courses, you’ll learn what it means to preach the gospel, performing compassionate outreach through an understanding of injustice as sin. This perspective will equip you to care for those less fortunate as an act of living through faith.  The gospel is not complete without the interaction of all three, and with this worldview, you’ll be prepared to embark on a life of service, enriching the lives of others wherever you go. 

biblical studies courses in canada

During your online ministry courses, you’ll learn how helping others is an act of faith

Gain Valuable Practical Ministry Experience

While completing the Evangelism and Compassion Ministry program, you’ll become equipped with the tools to perform compassionate and evangelistic outreach work within countless environments. For instance, you might be serving those suffering from addiction or dealing with homelessness, or perhaps working to make a difference in the lives of prisoners, human trafficking victims, prostitutes, and others undergoing hardships. Whether you’re working in rehabilitation centers, street missions, or another environment, during this program, you will gain practical ministry experience performing outreach to communities in need. If you find that you’re being called to serve in a church setting, this experience will also prepare you to plan and lead evangelistic and compassionate outreaches within local churches. 

online ministry courses

During their degree program, students gain practical experience connecting with their faith through service

In addition to these regular service opportunities, the program also includes a ten-day ministry trip to New York City, a ten-day cross-cultural trip to a foreign country, and the chance to guide fellow students on their ministry trips. No matter your purpose, this practical experience will help you to connect with your faith through service, enabling you to make a difference as both a servant and a witness.

Develop and Identify Your Personal Gifts

Attending an online Christian university as a student in the Evangelism and Compassion Ministry program is also a great opportunity to discover and develop your personal gifts. If you’re skilled in areas such as music, drama, dance, or athletics, you’ll be able to use and share these gifts with others while participating in ministry opportunities. Additionally, with hands-on experience working with those in need, you can identify your strengths, whether you’re a skilled leader, a talented performer or a patient mentor. Participating in outreach and compassionate ministry can enhance your skill set, allowing you to discover where your true passions and interests lie.

Are you interested in biblical studies courses in Canada?

Contact Kingswood University to learn more.