The Importance of Getting Involved

The Importance of Getting Involved

It was a five-thousand-piece puzzle of a windmill in the Netherlands. It sat on the table at the edge of the family room on a little card table. As people had time, they would put in some pieces; sometimes just a few, other times a hundred or more. The pieces were...
The Divide

The Divide

In early June, I was honored to have another devotional published. The positive response has been overwhelming, so I have felt the inclination to post it here. It is now the copyright of “The Upper Room Devotional Guide,” but if I give credit (as I have just done) I...

Back to (Easter) Basics

An Easter morning without a huge service – how strange – how unusual. No packed-out churches because of the overflow from folks who only go to church on Easter morning (and Christmas Eve). No resonating of hundreds of voices boldly declaring in song, “Up from the...

Palm Leaves (but God Doesn’t)

Many of the churches I attended as a boy made a big deal of Palm Sunday. It seemed every song had “Hosanna in it.” The songs were very up-lifting. It seemed a song devoid of celebration was forbidden. And yet, Friday was coming. Then we would gather again in shared...

Living the Reason for the Season

I will never forget the Sunday at church in early December as we approached Christmas. In our gathering the song leader chastised the crowd for not knowing the true reason for Christmas and getting caught up in “Wal-Mart world.” Then, as soon as the service ended,...

The Restaurant Battleground

Sometimes God is in the very mundane with intent to do big things. We have formed the habit of enjoying our Sunday-after-the-church-service lunch at a local restaurant. Early in our time at Kingswood we determined we wanted to use the time to connect with the college...

We Will Rebuild

Out of the ashes comes the cry, “We will rebuild!”  This was said after the mass murders in New York City on 9-11.  It is said after devastating earthquakes and floods.  And this week it was said after fire gutted Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. “We will...

“What’s on the test?”

“Just tell me what’s on the test!” In years past, this was the occasionally heard cry of the student. Now this request is a great deal more prevalent. In great part, it is the result of assumed cluttered lives and a public-school system that is, due to standardized...