Jesus is King

There has been much talk in the last few years of our culture being post-modern and even post-Christian. In response to this secularizing trend, many Christians have backed off of witnessing to their faith in Jesus, hiding behind slogans like: “Preach the...

The Restaurant Battleground

Sometimes God is in the very mundane with intent to do big things. We have formed the habit of enjoying our Sunday-after-the-church-service lunch at a local restaurant. Early in our time at Kingswood we determined we wanted to use the time to connect with the college...

We Will Rebuild

Out of the ashes comes the cry, “We will rebuild!”  This was said after the mass murders in New York City on 9-11.  It is said after devastating earthquakes and floods.  And this week it was said after fire gutted Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris. “We will...

The Torn Curtain

  Good Friday is upon us. As some have already noted, it came early to Notre Dame Cathedral. Since the fire on Monday over 600M euros have been pledged to rebuild the iconic structure. This great outpouring of support was initially hailed by the masses on social...

Protein Your Theology

Jesus said to them ” My meat is to do the will of the one who sent me, and to finish his work.” -Matthew 4:34 When Paul calls out some Christians in Hebrews for still needing spiritual milk when they should be into meatier matters of faith, most of us...

Blood In Blood Out

  Recently I had a team of students on mission in Central America. We were working in a country known for lot of gang influence and activity. On one particular day we were supposed to go to a prison, but were held up by government red tape and arrived about 2hrs later...

Antifragile Faith

“Some things benefit from shocks. They thrive and grow when exposed to volatility, randomness, disorder, and stressors. Depriving complex systems of volatility, randomness, and stressors will harm them. They will weaken, die, or blow up.” -Antifragile,...

Best Christmas Card Ever

Once a month on a Tuesday night I take Kingswood students to prison to do a chapel service and minister to the inmates. Last year my students lead one of the largest, scariest prisoners to Christ. I cannot tell you his name, but I can describe him. He is a former...

“What’s on the test?”

“Just tell me what’s on the test!” In years past, this was the occasionally heard cry of the student. Now this request is a great deal more prevalent. In great part, it is the result of assumed cluttered lives and a public-school system that is, due to standardized...