Serving the Advent Christian Church

Conversations between the Advent Christian Church and Kingswood University began several years ago.  The denomination, with churches around the world and across North America, including Maine and Atlantic Canada, felt the need for an academic partner to provide...

New Program Director & Assistant Professor in Worship Arts

CANDICE JACKSON CANDICE JACKSON, PROGRAM DIRECTOR & ASSISTANT PROFESSOR IN WORSHIP ARTS Candice Jackson is a 2008 graduate of Kingswood, earning the B.A. Religion with a Music Ministry major and a Global Ministry minor. She is currently enrolled in Wesley...

New Assistant Professor of Bible & Theology

AXEL KAZADI AXEL KAZADI, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF BIBLE & THEOLOGY Axel Kazadi is a 2012 graduate of Kingswood, earning the B.A. Religion with a Pastoral Ministry major. Since then he has earned two master’s degrees and is currently a PhD student at Wycliffe College...

March 18 COVID-19 Update

In the face of the increasing threat posed by the coronavirus, Kingswood University has moved all classes to a distance education format and suspended all student on-campus activities

March 14 COVID-19 Update

In order to provide the social distance needed to minimize the spread of this disease, we have decided to discontinue on-campus activities effective immediately.  All classes will resume in a distance education format in a few days. We have asked resident students to...

Kingswood University COVID-19 Response

Kingswood University is working to maintain a safe and healthy environment for its students, staff, and guests and is fully compliant with all provincial and federal recommendations. The Administrative Cabinet will continue to monitor the requirements and advice of...

Ablaze Newsletter – Fall 2020

Featured Stories • A Word from the President • 40 Years of Excellence: Celebrating Ivan Graham’s Retirement • FLAME into University Credit Hours: A Way Through • Understanding God’s Call and Mission: Eric Hallett Shares His Kingswood Journey • Estate...

New Director of Kingswood Extended

I’m delighted to announce that Rev. Erik Ireland will be our new Director of Kingswood Extended.  Erik is currently on staff at Christ Wesleyan Church in Milton, Pennsylvania.  He is a graduate from Houghton College and Asbury Theological Seminary and will soon...