Train Your Volunteers


Do you have a vision for your church’s mission and mandate that is bigger than you? Equip your people to lead with you!

Kingswood Extended Mentored Cohort Courses are designed to facilitate leadership growth and practical ministry preparation through on-site mentoring by you or your staff. We want to partner with you as you lead your lay ministry teams to greater effectiveness for Kingdom impact.

Onsite Courses and Mentored Cohort

Mentored Cohort Courses

Mentored Cohort courses introduce a cohort model of certificate-level education that allows students to gain the knowledge and practical ministry preparation they need to be effective Kingdom leaders in an environment of accountability and encouragement. These courses are specifically designed for pastors and ministry leaders who are looking for solutions to effectively train and equip their lay people for ministry at any level.

The critical component of our Mentored Cohort courses is the on-site mentoring you or a member of your staff will engage in with the cohort. Every two weeks, you will have the opportunity to discuss what your lay people are learning, answer any questions the study material has generated, apply their learning to your unique ministry context, and continue to invest in their leadership development. We provide the course structure, curriculum, grading, and feedback, so you are free to simply pour into your people in a way that enriches their experience, maximizes their growth, and equips them for greater effectiveness in their local ministry.

Mentored Cohort courses follow a 13-week schedule, allowing for twelve weeks of active learning and one week of post-course work.

Students will complete approximately 50 hours of reading and writing assignments through independent study, submitting their work on a determined schedule to their instructor for grading and feedback.

Every two weeks, students will gather with you or a designated staff member for a mentoring session. These sessions typically run for four hours and are a combination of processing the material together from the past two weeks, collaborating on practical application to your local context, and continued leadership development from your seasoned ministry perspective. You will have six mentoring sessions (approximately 24 hours total) with your cohort over the duration of the course.

For more information on this option for your team, please contact

Onsite Courses

Onsite courses are intended for groups that want to experience the benefits of the teaching environment without the cost or inconvenience of travel. We will send an instructor to you, allowing you and your team to stay at home base. For more information on this option, please contact


Available Courses
  • Advanced Theology
  • Christian Education
  • Church Leadership/Management
  • Doctrine of Holiness
  • Evangelism/Church Health
  • Expository Preaching
  • General Church History
  • Global and Intercultural Ministries
  • Inductive Bible Study
  • Introduction to Homiletics
  • Introduction to Marketplace Ministry
  • Introduction to Theology
  • Leadership in the Workplace
  • Models of Marketplace Ministry
  • New Testament Elective - Acts
  • New Testament Elective - Life of Christ
  • New Testament Introduction
  • Old Testament Elective
  • Old Testament Elective - Pentateuch
  • Old Testament Elective - Poetry
  • Old Testament Elective - Prophets
  • Old Testament Introduction
  • Pastoral Counselling
  • Pastoral Ministries
  • Philosophy & Ethics
  • Psychology
  • Social Science and Work
  • Sociology
  • Spiritual Formation
  • Wesleyan History & Discipline
  • Work and the Bible
  • Worship