Registrar’s Office

The Registrar’s Office serves students in the following ways:

  • Maintaining student academic records (grades and transcripts)
  • Creating and managing class schedules and registration
  • Outlining the degree programs with their curriculum
  • Preparing for graduation, including auditing records, gathering diplomas, regalia, and other logistics
  • Interpreting and implementing academic policies
  • Publishing the Kingswood catalogue
  • Evaluating courses for transfer credit and determining academic standing
  • Transcripts

Official Transcripts

For students taking certificate courses through Kingswood Extended, please contact to submit a transcript request. 

Degree students can request transcripts by using the online request form. Transcripts cost $10, payable before the transcript can be released. Payment can be made by Visa or MasterCard, by cheque or by cash. Please allow 3 to 5 days for processing, as well as appropriate mailing time.

Unofficial Transcripts

Students who have taken at least one course at Kingswood since fall 2011 semester can access their own unofficial transcripts through Populi. On the Student tab, click on the gear at the right and select Export Transcript. There is no charge for unofficial transcripts obtained by the student through Populi.

Transcripts cannot be released unless all financial obligations to the University have been met.


Transcript Request Form: Online
Replacement Diploma Request Form: Online

Academic Advising

Every student is assigned to a faculty member who serves as teacher, mentor, friend, guide, and advocate. Advisors meet with their advisees, individually and in groups, to assist students with academic-related and other concerns, as well as to guide them through the registration process and course selection.


Confirmation of Enrolment
Periodically students need documentation confirming that they are a student, such as for insurance purposes or student loans. These requests are processed by the Registrar’s Office.

Certification of Completion
Some students complete their degrees at a different point other than at the official time of graduation and need certification of completion before they receive their diploma. The Registrar’s Office can provide students with a letter certifying the completion of all requirements for graduation, when required for employment or enrolment in further studies.


The Registrar’s Office monitors student progress from enrolment to graduation, certifying that students have completed all academic requirements for graduation. The Registrar’s Office is in charge of the details for graduation, including producing diplomas and renting graduation regalia. Graduates are asked to provide information for diplomas and regalia in the fall semester before their graduation.

Transfer of Credit

Transfer credit is typically awarded for courses taken at accredited institutions which meet degree requirements at Kingswood University. Students can transfer a maximum of ninety credit hours into a bachelor’s degree program and a maximum of thirty credit hours into an associate’s degree program. Grades for courses transferred must be at least C-, though the grade will not be recorded or calculated in the student’s GPA. Students can transfer a maximum of 15 credit hours into the master’s degree program, with grades of C or above.

Students with grades 3, 4, or 5 on Advanced Placement (AP) examinations or grades 5, 6, or 7 on International Baccalaureate (IB) examinations may be awarded transfer credits up to a maximum of eighteen credit hours. Official Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate reports must be submitted to the Registrar for credit to be awarded. Students with other advanced placement credits should contact the Registrar’s Office for further information.

Contact Information

Registrar: Dr. Janet Starks
Phone: 506-432-4407
Fax: 506-432-4425
Location: Academic Affairs
63 Summit Avenue