Personal Enrichment Courses

Kingswood University offers a large selection of courses for those looking to prepare for effective ministry in the local church. Our certificate-level courses are developed specifically to accommodate the demands of your family, work, and life, while still delivering a quality educational experience that can be applied immediately to your ministry context.

Prepare for Ministry Through Certificate-level Courses

We offer a large selection of non-credit/certificate-level courses that have been designed for leaders and learners in the local church to advance their knowledge and skills.

Download a description of available courses: Certificate-Level Courses.pdf

All of our certificate-level courses are available in two formats: self-paced and virtual classroom.

Self-Paced Courses ($245 CDN each)*

Self-paced courses are independent study courses completed in an online learning management system. These courses require the student to plan and execute their own strategy for completion within the course time frame.

Students will work with an instructor to successfully complete all required readings, assignments, papers, and exams by the course closing date. Instructors will be available by phone and by email to answer questions and offer any assistance necessary during the course.

Upon registration, students will receive the course start date, selected syllabus, access to the learning environment, and the course closing date, which is calculated as sixteen weeks from the date of registration.

Virtual Classroom Courses ($245 CDN each)*

Virtual Classroom courses typically operate on an eight-week schedule, allowing for one week of pre-course work, six weeks of live classroom instruction, and one week of post-course work.
Classes are two hours in duration and will be held once a week for six weeks on an assigned day, providing a total of twelve hours of live classroom instruction.
During the six weeks of live classes, students will log in to a video conference via Google Meet. This provides real-time interaction with the instructor and other students in the class, creating a more robust learning environment over independent study.
Instructors will assign out-of-classroom coursework totalling a minimum of sixty-two hours. Coursework may include reading, response questions, short assignments, projects, and/or papers.
*Payment must be made in full at the time of registration. All fees are in Canadian funds.


Earn a Certificate in an Area of Concentration

Kingswood University certificates celebrate milestones of achievement, recognizing the time and effort that have been invested in attaining a level of preparation for effective ministry.

Certificates require the completion of five courses that contribute to a greater level of competency within the area of focus. Of these five courses, a minimum of three must be taken through Kingswood University. Up to two courses, from an approved ministerial preparation training program through The Wesleyan Church, may be transferred in for credit towards the certificate.

Download Certificate Course List:

For more information or to apply for a certificate of completion, please contact our office:


Available Courses
  • Advanced Theology
  • Christian Education
  • Church Leadership/Management
  • Doctrine of Holiness
  • Evangelism/Church Health
  • Expository Preaching
  • General Church History
  • Global and Intercultural Ministries
  • Inductive Bible Study
  • Introduction to Homiletics
  • Introduction to Marketplace Ministry
  • Introduction to Theology
  • Leadership in the Workplace
  • Models of Marketplace Ministry
  • New Testament Elective - Acts
  • New Testament Elective - Life of Christ
  • New Testament Introduction
  • Old Testament Elective
  • Old Testament Elective - Pentateuch
  • Old Testament Elective - Poetry
  • Old Testament Elective - Prophets
  • Old Testament Introduction
  • Pastoral Counselling
  • Pastoral Ministries
  • Philosophy & Ethics
  • Psychology
  • Social Science and Work
  • Sociology
  • Spiritual Formation
  • Wesleyan History & Discipline
  • Work and the Bible
  • Worship