Clinical Mental Health Counselling

Course List

Course title Credit Hours
Foundations in Clinical Mental Health Counselling 3
Counselling Techniques & the Helping Relationship 3
Legal, Ethical & Professional Issues 3
* Human Growth & Development 3
Christian Spiritual Formation 3
Advanced Theory & the Integration of Spirituality 3
* Counselling & the Family System 3
* Psychopathology: Theory & Practice 3
Diagnosis, Assessment & Treatment Planning 3
Human Sexuality 3
* Multicultural Counselling 3
* Theory & Techniques in Group Counselling
Research Theory & Design (Statistics) 3
Career Development & Counselling 3
* Trauma, Grief & Loss 3
Addictions Assessment & Intervention 3
Residence Lab 3
Practicum 3
Internship I & II 12
Total Hours: 66
* Dual Enrolment

Requirements for courses marked with an asterisk may be met through dual enrolment courses. Students who enroll in this degree may transfer up to 18 hours of bachelor’s degree credits to meet course requirements of the M.A. (Clinical Mental Health Counselling) degree. Graduates of Kingswood University’s undergraduate degrees may earn the dual enrolment credits for the following courses. Graduates of other Christian higher education institutions may be able to earn dual enrolment credit for equivalent courses. A grade of at least C must have been earned in a course for it to be transferable.


Be still and know that I am God