MAPT Course List & Descriptions

Course title Credit Hours
Biblical Studies*
Usually Romans (NT 551)
Theological Studies*
Usually Systematic Theology (TH 551)
Church History*
Usually Church History (HI 551)
Pastoral Theology*
Usually Counselling (PSPM 551)
The Bible as Christian Scripture 3
A Theology of Pastoral Leadership 3
A Theology of the Church 3
Theology of Word and Sacrament 3
Missional Pastor: Evangelism and Discipleship 3
Guided Comprehensive Project 3
Practicum 6
Total Hours: 36
* Dual Enrolment

Requirements for courses marked with an asterisk may be met through dual enrolment courses. Students who enrol in this degree may transfer up to 12 hours of bachelor’s degree credits toward the foundational courses of the M.A. (Pastoral Theology) degree. Graduates of Kingswood University’s B.A. (Ministry) and Th.B. degrees may earn the dual enrolment credits for the following courses. Graduates from other institutions of Christian higher education applying for this degree may be able to earn dual enrolment credit for equivalent courses. A grade of at least C must have been earned in a course for it to be transferable.


Course Options

  • Biblical Studies, credit for one of:
    • Upper level Old or New Testament studies
    • Hermeneutics
  • Theological Studies, credit for one of:
    • Systematic Theology I & II
    • Doctrine of Holiness
    • Apologetics
    • Contemporary Theology
  • Church History, credit for one of:
    • Church History
    • Reformation Church History
  • Pastoral Theology, credit for one of:
    • Adult & Family Ministry
    • Church Health, Growth & Leadership
    • Empowering/Equipping Lay Ministry
    • Expository Preaching
    • Introduction to Counselling
    • Pastoral Ministry

Course Descriptions

The Bible as Christian Scripture

Developing your skills in handling and applying the Scriptures is essential to your success as a ministry leader. In this course, you will focus on the formative role of Scripture in shaping the life of a healthy congregation or your specific ministry. You will explore a variety of approaches in which different genres and books of the Bible can be utilized in both public and private worship. 

Church History (HI 551)
Church History (HI 551) provides a survey of the history of the Christian Church from its birth to the present day in the context of world history. Attention is giving to how the past impacts present and future ministry.

3 credit hours

Romans (NT 551)
Romans (NT 551) is a critical and exegetical study of the book of Romans. Due attention is paid to background issues and proper methodology for the understanding of Romans, but the primary focus is on an in-depth study of Paul’s theological positions developed throughout the letter.

3 credit hours

Introduction to Counselling (PSPM 551)
Introduction to Counselling (PSPM 551) gives an overview of counselling theory, and reviews and practices skills of being a good helper and counsellor. The integration of theology and psychology is considered and foundational understanding of people and what is needed to promote healing is studied and practiced. Pre-requisite or co-requisite: General Psychology or be a mature student.

3 credit hours

Systematic Theology (TH 551)
Systematic Theology (TH 551) aims to lay the foundation for a firm grasp of the basic doctrines of the Christian faith. While the theological perspective is that of The Wesleyan Church, the student is encouraged to interact with other Christian perspectives as a way to gain a clearer understanding of one’s own view.

3 credit hours

A Theology of Pastoral Leadership
It is vitally important that you know how to lead and lead well. In this course, you will be taught a comprehensive approach to the theology and practice of pastoral leadership. The course presents a biblical understanding of leadership and outlines the essential skills necessary for leading local churches and other ministries effectively.
A Theology of the Church
Effective teaching, preaching, evangelizing, and discipling must be rooted in a clear comprehension of the nature and purpose of the Church. In this course, you will evaluate your current ministry setting in light of biblical, historical, and theological principles. The goal is for you, as a ministry leader, to become a facilitator of a biblically-shaped, culturally-relevant, spiritually-growing, missional congregation.
A Theology of Word and Sacrament
The Word and the sacraments are meant to operate in the life of the Church as a means of ongoing, transformative grace. In this course, you will explore the integral connection between the sacraments and the Word, developing a plan to integrate the sacraments into the corporate worship of your ministry context.
Missional Pastor: Evangelism and Discipleship
It is often at the point of making disciples that the Church has her greatest failure. In this course, you will be presented with a biblical understanding of how a local church can effectively reach their community with the Gospel and guide believers to full maturity in Christ. You will develop the tools needed to facilitate church multiplication in your specific ministry.
Guided Comprehensive Project
In this final course, you will create a preaching/teaching model that summarizes, integrates, and applies insights you have gleaned from each of the MAPT courses.

Be still and know that I am God