Earn a Certificate

Intended for laypersons, Kingswood Extended certificates celebrate milestones of achievement, recognizing the time and effort that has been invested in attaining a level of preparation for effective ministry.

Certificates require the completion of five courses that contribute to a greater level of competency within the area of focus. Of these five courses, a minimum of three must be taken through Kingswood Extended. Up to two courses, from an approved ministerial preparation training program through The Wesleyan Church, may be transferred in for credit towards the certificate.

For more information or to apply for a certificate of completion, please contact our office: extended@kingswood.edu.

Certificate in Biblical Studies

Methods of Bible Study

This course is an introduction to hermeneutics, the art of biblical interpretation, through the study of the principles of induction, the development of skills, and the use of various reference tools which are applied to specific books of the Bible.

Old Testament Introduction

This course will enable the student to gain a clearer understanding of the Old Testament as a whole, as well as its parts. Students will gain factual knowledge about the structure, content, history, and geography of the Old Testament that can be passed along so that all can better know the God of the Old Testament and share His good news with others.

Old Testament Elective

Choose from a selection of courses that provide a deep-dive into a book or series of books in the Old Testament.

New Testament Introduction

This course will enable the student to gain a clearer understanding of the New Testament as a whole, as well as its parts. Students will gain factual knowledge about the structure, content, history, and geography of the New Testament that can be passed along so that all can better know the God of the New Testament and share His good news with others.

New Testament Elective

Choose from a selection of courses that provide a deep-dive into a book or series of books in the New Testament.

Certificate in Discipleship

Spiritual Formation

This course is designed for the personal and spiritual growth of the minister. It explores the biblical and historical foundations of the spiritual life, as well as methodologies and resources for developing Christian spirituality in the lives of others in cooperation with the work of the Holy Spirit. This course will enhance the student’s ability to see the relationship between spirituality and ministry, discover principles for the enrichment of their own spirituality, and help Christian disciples grow in their relationship with Christ.

Christian Education

This course is designed to introduce the educational ministry of the church. Special attention will be given to four broad topics: biblical, theological, and philosophical foundations; aspects of the teaching/learning process; the needs, abilities, and special considerations of teaching various groups of people; and the organization and design of the Christian education ministries of the local church.

Pastoral Ministries

This course will provide a survey of the tasks which accompany pastoral ministry in a local church setting. Emphasis will be placed on pastors as persons as well as the competencies needed for contemporary ministry.

Evangelism & Church Health

The purpose of this course is to ignite a passion to share Christ’s love with others. Students will actively engage in personal evangelism work under the leading of the Holy Spirit. There will also be guided, purposeful reflection on evangelism techniques and methodologies, church health, and church planting.

Church Leadership and Management

This course will introduce the student to basic principles of church leadership, church management, and parliamentary law. Through reading, observation, and reflection, the student will be prepared spiritually and practically to provide leadership in a local church.

Certificate in Ministry


The course will include a study of the biblical, theological, historical, and contemporary elements of Christian worship, such as Scripture, music, sacraments, liturgy, prayer, and the ministry of the Word. Students will have a chance to evaluate their own personal worship. This course will enhance the student’s ability to plan, participate in, and lead acts of public worship.

Introduction to Homiletics

This course provides a combination of theory and practice in the preparation and delivery of sermons. Analysis of sample sermons will occur with suggestions for finding and filing sermon resource material.

Pastoral Counseling

The objective of this study is to acquaint the student with various approaches to pastoral problems and the duties of a pastor in assisting persons in need. The student will gain an understanding of ministry appropriate to proper pastoral care. It will include the work of the pastor from both a psychological and theological frame of reference.

Evangelism/Church Health

The purpose of this course is to ignite a passion to share Christ’s love with others. Students will actively engage in personal evangelism work under the leading of the Holy Spirit. There will also be guided, purposeful reflection on evangelism techniques and methodologies, church health, and church planting.

Global & Intercultural Ministries

This course provides an overview of the history, theology, and practice of cross-cultural mission theory, including local church involvement in cross-cultural ministry.

Certificate in Biblical Theology

Old Testament Introduction

This course will enable the student to gain a clearer understanding of the Old Testament as a whole, as well as its parts. Students will gain factual knowledge about the structure, content, history, and geography of the Old Testament that can be passed along so that all can better know the God of the Old Testament and share His good news with others.

New Testament Introduction

This course will enable the student to gain a clearer understanding of the New Testament as a whole, as well as its parts. Students will gain factual knowledge about the structure, content, history, and geography of the New Testament that can be passed along so that all can better know the God of the New Testament and share His good news with others.

Introduction to Theology

This course surveys the general field of theology and is a study in basic beliefs and why we believe as we do.

Advanced Theology

This course builds on what was learned in Introduction to Theology and digs deeper into theology from a Wesleyan perspective. This course will give the student a better grasp of Wesleyan theology intellectually, better know the God our theology describes, and better serve Him and His people. Objectives of the class are: 1. To gain a deeper understanding of God, the world He made, humanity, sin, and redemption. 2. To expand the student’s skills of thinking about and applying theological truth. 3. To equip the student to proclaim and live the truth.

Doctrine of Holiness

This course will provide the student with a better intellectual understanding of the Wesleyan doctrine of holiness, for their own benefit and for those they minister among. It is the hope that, as students gain in understanding, God will continue to work in them, drawer them closer and equipping them for more powerful service.

Certificate in Marketplace Ministry
Currently in development
Certificate in Church Planting & Church Multiplication
Currently in development
How do I start?
  1. First, let us know you are pursuing a certificate by emailing us.
  2. Click the “KX Pathwright Login” button on this page (or click here).
  3. Find and click on your desired course.
  4. Click the “Take Course” button.
  5. Select the “Don’t have an account” button.
  6. Enter your desired login information and click “Sign Up.”
  7. Click “Continue” to provide your payment details.

Be still and know that I am God