

Early Enrolment


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Get a Headstart at Kingswood!

Earn college credit while fulfilling your high school graduation requirements with dual enrolment courses at Kingswood University. Choose from 29 different courses available fully online.


  • Open to Grade 11 and 12 students.
  • Minimum overall average of 85% (3.3 on a 4.0 scale)
  • Approval of high school and parent/guardian


  • $400 per 3-credit hour course ($300 USD)

Available Courses:

  • Basic Christian Beliefs
  • General Psychology
  • Writing & Research
  • Oral Communication
  • Literature of the Western World
  • Biblical Literature – New Testament
  • Spiritual Formation
  • Inductive Bible Study
  • Personal Evangelism
  • Introduction to Ministry
  • Introduction to Compassion Ministry
  • American History through the Civil War
  • American Literature through the Civil War
  • Art Appreciation & Experience

  • Christian Journey into Psychology
  • College Algebra
  • Creation & Life: Intro to Biology
  • Financial Strategies for Life
  • Finding Life’s Direction
  • IAM3 Leadership
  • Intro to Communication
  • Intro to Computing with C++
  • Intro to Philosophy
  • Intro to Sociology
  • Intro to Theology
  • The Story in the Bible
  • Theatre Appreciation
  • Writing to Communicate
  • Writing to Convince

Available Courses:

  • Basic Christian Beliefs
  • General Psychology
  • Writing & Research
  • Oral Communication
  • Literature of the Western World
  • Biblical Literature – New Testament
  • Spiritual Formation
  • Inductive Bible Study
  • Personal Evangelism
  • Introduction to Ministry
  • Introduction to Compassion Ministry
  • American History through the Civil War
  • American Literature through the Civil War
  • Art Appreciation & Experience
  • Christian Journey into Psychology
  • College Algebra
  • Creation & Life: Intro to Biology
  • Financial Strategies for Life
  • Finding Life’s Direction
  • IAM3 Leadership
  • Intro to Communication
  • Intro to Computing with C++
  • Intro to Philosophy
  • Intro to Sociology
  • Intro to Theology
  • The Story in the Bible
  • Theatre Appreciation
  • Writing to Communicate
  • Writing to Convince

Do you live close to campus and have the flexibility to take courses in a classroom setting? Additional courses are available for dual enrolment with your local high school and Kingswood University. Contact us for more information.

… be holy in all that you do